Monday, March 26, 2012

out of sight, out of mind....right?

Although I have always heard this, I have my doubts about the truth of this statement. I have just removed almost all of the clothes that I cannot wear right now from my closet. This was a very depressing process. As I looked at each item, I remembered how much I loved to wear it, or how good I felt in it, or how my husband looked at me when I put it on. Truth is, I don't know if I will ever see some of these items again.

So, until we meet again.....cute, skinny clothes.....maybe it won't be too long.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Been a While

Well, it's been a little while since my last post. There have been ups and downs. Probably more downs than ups. I have lost a few pounds this week.....however, they are mostly the pounds that I found last week.

My cruise to the Bahamas is a few weeks away. My cellulite is not ready for sunny times ahead.

Need motivation and a kick to the behind.....